Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Turn it up, bro !!

If you were to have 128 songs, over 8.4 hours, and 467.2 MB worth of music stored on your computer you think it would be a good band, right?

As i sit on this strangers computer and snoop through his iTunes for some dec music i came across an absolute treasure chest of tunes. Beatles? Nope. Stones? Nope. fackin Kid Rock? Naw.

Backstreet Boys. YUP.

Black & Blue, Backstreet Boys, Backstreet's Back (Germany), The Hits - Chapter One, Millennium, Never Gone, Unbreakable, and one last single called "backstreet boys are gay" which is probably this guys hate anthem.

Should all the CD's and DVD's in the world be put next to a giant magnet tomorrow and all data destroyed rest easy knowing that this computer would become the holy grail to all BSB fans (if there are any left who aren't 16 year old broads). I can't wait till this guy gets his computer back and goes onto itunes and clicks his Recently played playlist cuz he'd see straight up these songs in this exact order:

1. I want it that way
2. I want it that way
3. I want it that way (Germany)
4. Everybody (Backstreet's Back)
5. the sound of me kissing every boy in my general area.

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