Sunday, May 9, 2010

Lame sim city

On one of my last day of classes i arrived late as shit. I was about to fling open the door and tell bitches what was up but for some reason I reserved myself and opened the door slowly. Inside was this asian lady talking about "Chinatown" which at the time i though was just the neighborhood down the street from the Ansin building. But as i went online today and saw this video on the front page i saw that it was infact something else.

This "game" if it really is one, seems like a much watered down version of the awesome Sim City game. I can play sim city for hours on end - i see myself playing "Chinatown" for less than that. I will give them this tho, the chinatown game has the potential to answer some of societies deepest-seeded question with the click of a mouse. It also has the potential to bore the shit outta me. Granted i havn't played Chinatown but i highly doubt that have a soundtrack as epic as Sim City.

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