Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I hate bragging.

I hate it because it makes people look like they've never been better than anyone before. For the record I've been better than everyone forever. With that in mind it should come as no suprise that my college radio station just dominates major radio stations. I guess that's the thing about college stations - you can play whatever the fuck you want whenever and if people dissagree you don't lose advertising cuz there is none !!

WERS has been notorious for just dominating. I helped my boy Mike earlier this year by promoting the bag outta his late night dub-step (YA DUB). The other night i was bumpin hip hop after dark on my ride home and the playlist that they had on full tilt was unreal. Don't worry I'll share.

This song struck me as familar and then i reconized the remixed MGMT Kids. Nice touch nice. Plus the lyrics were pretty neat. Much better than that asshole Hurricane Chris who's rhymes sounded like retarted kid reading a thesaurus.

couldn't even remember the last time i heard this song before the other night. Actually thought i was playing Goldeneye bunker level with that beat.

need a say more.

at this time i got home but not without a giant smile on my face and a skyscrapper in my pants. Made me almost want to buy a CD.


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