Monday, July 26, 2010

Fans of Deez. Stand the fuck up

FOR $9 ???

There's been enough good shit on this blog since March '10 so i figured why not do what every other awesome blog does and sell some t-shirts. The top picture is obviously the front, bottom the back. Not sure why they are showing up in black and white but the picture on the back would be the legendary forecast for stoopfestbro '10.

If enough people want one i'll make them up - i found a good site online that will do 34 t-shirts at 7.70 a piece. Tack on a couple bucks for shipping and fondeling and you guys will have an awesome shirt with a word on the front that is neither a word nor not a word and the awesome graph of time vs. consumption that truely lived up to its prediction both weather wise and drinkin wise.

Let's show some team spirit!

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