Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Lets RAGE!!!?!!!!

Usually if i get one of those mass fb event invites i just glace at it and remove it from my events because i'm that cool. The other day i got one that seemed to be just another event headed for the remove button but i decided to read it over instead. Read it over indeed. After half ass reading the description i though of a way we could blow this thing out of the water - then i remembered i was dez'ing again. Thus this ingenious plan....


So G.ROBO is going to have the Biggest Party Ever, ANYONE CAN COME.....But there is just one thing all G.ROBO fans must do.

On our G.ROBO facebook page we currently have 623 fans. Before we put the time and effort in to have another successful fucking blast of a party we are giving our faithful G.ROBO fans a challenge. 1,500 fans on facebook and we will LAUNCH THE EVE...NT.

The location and date of the party is going to be kept secret until this is done. So what everyone needs to do is take 5 mins out of their day go to the G.ROBO facebook page:

"Like" it. Then click suggest to friends, then individually select all your friends. (You CAN NOT click "ALL", it will not send it to all your friends, you must do it individually).

AFTER you have invited ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS....leave a comment on THIS event saying :

"I pledge allegiance to G.ROBO, I will forever get Fucked up."

DO IT SO WE HAVE THE PARTY ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Its a huge bitch, but this party will be well fucking worth it. (150-300 person party, endless kegs and vodka, DJ, live performances, wet t-shirt contests, prizes, the WHOLE SHA-BANG. PROB THE GREATEST PARTY EVER) The party will be after mid-august  (August 20th) RIGHT BEFORE everyone leaves for school. A NICE WAY TO END THE FUCKING SUMMER

EVERYONE CAN COME TO THIS PARTY IF WE GET 1,500 FANS, otherwise it will be an invite only event =(.

So invite all your friends to the page, and tell them to invite all of their friends. Invite people to this event and make them do it if they wanna be apart of this epic event

INVITE INVITE INVITE, this party is in the hands of YOU, G.ROBO NATION...will it go down? We shall see......

PS. If you have read this far lol post the youtube link to your status and Spread G.ROBO to the world:


If your still with me after all that then lets do it. I want out of state people brining out of state people, who are already bringing forigen people to this party. I want G. ROBO to be like "who the fuck invited this mother fucker from France", that's how i want it. So read it over again, do what it says and lets have this bash because fuck it - it's not at my house, i'm not cleaning up, i'm not gonna know anybody, and there's gonna be a wet t-shirt contest so hell fuckin ya.

p.s. - this kid must not know who i am and what im capable of because i pretty much just told the entire internet about this party.

p.m.s - here's a link to these guys music. I can totally see bitches gettin wet to this, wet t-shirt bro.

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