Thursday, April 1, 2010

Damn nutmeggers

The Land-Bridge state
    by That Kid    

After this coffee you’ll have to take a “wicked pissah” -

Alright McDonalds, we get it.

You can totally relate to New Englanders, “We call them Jimmy’s too!”

No way, now I totally want to get a Newman’s blend coffee from you, despite the fact you’ve been offering this same coffee to only New Englander’s since 2005 and that somehow you can fuck up a seemingly simple thing like making a decent blend of coffee taste like swill.

Hold up, what the fuck did you just call Connecticut? New-York-Achusetts (00:05)? Have I missed the boat here or something? In my 20 long years as a Nutmegger and my time spent in Mass, I have not once heard this term to describe the Constitution State before. Maybe I’ve just been talking to the wrong people but from the kids I know from Mass and the slew of Connecticut jokes I’ve heard, I can’t recall anyone using this term to describe the Land-Bridge.

I can see how it makes sense, being a Sox fan from the Gold Coast of Southern CT there’s definitely an undeniable affiliation towards New York sports teams, and that’s the way it always will be, a state divided.

Both associated with New England, and The Tri State area (Connecticut, New York, and, yuck, New Jersey) Connecticut has always been the child of divorce of the North bouncing between state-sets every major holiday and making us spend time with them when we could be out with our friends on the weekends. This puts us in the tough position of which side to love more.

For us Southern Connecticutian’s , much of the people that live here are commuters who take the Amtrak to Grand Central every morning, so there is an obvious reason why we could be associated so much with New Yorkers.

Venture North past the coast though, and you’re immediately in Red Sox Nation. I guess this is why Connecticut can’t really come to terms with who we are and fill a niche like the other states. Until CT can come together, there’s only one thing we can agree on, Huskies Basketball.


-That Kid

(classic CT)

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