Monday, May 24, 2010

Dead Wrong

The other day when I posted how I pictured LOST ending in no way did I ever think I'd be remotely correct. Here's what I said:

Desmond will be escorting Kate who, mark my words, is going to be an absolute smoke-show if she’s to wear that dress Desmond got her – that skimpy ass black dress. HMmmmmmmmmmmm. Kate.

Then the island is going to blow up which will be followed by Jimmy Kimmel Live!

Don't look now but I was right....
  • Desmong escorted Kate: RIGHT
  • Kate looking like a smokeshow in the black dress: DOUBLE RIGHT
  • The island blows up: RIGHTER
  • Show followed by Jimmy Kimmel: RIGHT (but only on the west coast)
I'm no math wiz but I'd say a perfect 4/4 translates into 100%.... minus the part where everyone turns out to be dead as shit, but that wasn't even the biggest twist. Turns out, that guy was Bruce Willis the whole time...... and speaking of Bruce Willis - was it really a "cop out" that everyone turned out to be dead? Absolutely not. Don't let the bi-monthly viewer tell you that Fin was shit because by film standards it was the most complete ending you could have asked for. Maybe I am guility that i wanted it to end with the door open in a way leaving room for a spin-off, like what "Joey" did for "Friends".

But it's over now and this is only the beginning for speculations. People will say that the writers pulled this one out of their asses - and you know what, maybe they did but it's very unlikely because stashing 2 hours and 30 mins worth of a script in your ass is gonna hurt like a bitch.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

That's gonna leave a mark

Charlie Chaplin get down from there!

Danvers- Police said a cleaning man was taken to a hospital after being sucked into a machine at a sausage-making company in Danvers. The accident happened Thursday night as the man was cleaning the vacuum-type machine that is used to season the meat at DiLigui Sausage Co. Police said the man's head and shoulders became stuck in the machine after it somehow activated while being cleaned.

Lt. Carole Germano told The Salem News that the man -- whose name was not released -- was freed from the machine and showed no obvious sign of trauma, but was taken to a hospital as a precaution.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is investigating the mishap.
Machines are very powerful tools - stand too close to one like my man in the story above and your going to pay the price. Stand to close to anything and its a bad idea but a machine in the end knows who's boss.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

This day in history - May 20th

Shakespeare's sonnets are first published in London, perhaps illicitly, by the publisher Thomas Thorpe

This marks the start of the single greatest story teller's career, behind only Tucker Max. And let me tell you, you do not want Tucker Max behind you.....


Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Sunday night marks what many thought would be a day they would never see: the SERIES finale of LOST. This show has been more of a mind fuck than some of David Blanes magic tricks – not in the sense that the trick is awe inspiring but more in a sense of WTF Blane? Like foreplay with a 16 year old, this season has only merely hinted at the end providing little to no action.

Unfortunately they waited until the last three episodes to start whacking people (off) left and right – body count in the past two episodes is like six (Jin, Sun, Syadi, Maroon 5 guy, Whitmore, and Whitmore’s Bit) leaving us with Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, and Mo.

I could speculate how this is going to end but come Sunday night 11:31 pm EST I would be so wrong it would be comical, but then again I’ve been doing that for 21 years. So I will post what I believe will happen – others will too and Sunday night we will feel as if the finale was the first episode of this show we ever watched.

Series finale guesstimation:

Jack is now the new Jacob after he took a sip from Jacobs spiked invincibility cup vowing to protect the island. John Locke-smoke-monster vowed to Ben that he was going to absolutely destroy the island. If I remember correctly from the season opener the island was very much under water. Pretty much the finale is going to involve a lot of Desmond and whatever revelations Desmond makes.

Back in not-island time. Kate, Desmond, Syaid, Hurley are all in on some kind of scheme involving a concert that everyone’s going to be at. Miles mentioned last episode that he’s going to a concert for his dad’s museum or some shit while Jack also mentioned he’ll be there as well because his son is playing. Desmond will be escorting Kate who, mark my words, is going to be an absolute smoke-show if she’s to wear that dress Desmond got her – that skimpy ass black dress. HMmmmmmmmmmmm. Kate.

Then the island is going to blow up which will be followed by Jimmy Kimmel Live!

Not caught up on LOST? Well then heres the opening scene - Season 1 Episode 1 Opening Scene. You have 96 hours......GO!

Michael Scott?

Your lying if at first glance you didn't think this was Michael Scott (Steve Carell). Absolute liar liar pants on fire. It's not Scott, its some dude but don't worry about it.

Soo good I had to steal it

I couldn't have said it any better myself so I stole it....

Is this what Pres means by “fake life”? Like is this a dream? This is exactly how you describe a dream. “So I’m walking in a parade and there’s a fat naked guy. And a dude in a propeller hat. Then all of a sudden BOOM a brawl breaks out to USA chants while a ballerina strolls up the sidewalk.” Seriously free hat that I physically can’t send you because I haven’t even gotten mine yet to whoever can tell me what type of weird ass bizarro-world event this is.

-Barstool NY's Kmarko

The Strokes know the secret to the universe

The cover for one of The Stokes albums at first may appear to be just random shit or some creative artisy shit. Upon further research and hours watching the discovery channel the album cover infact is the famous depiction of what the universe looked like a fraction of a second (10 -43 seconds) after the Big Bang.

Each swirl and dash is an element creating itself by exploding faster into nothingness than Lindsay Lohan's career after "The Parent Trap". From this singular atom came everything we know. Pretty wild to think that a band featured in Rock Band knows the secrets to the universe. And like The Monkeys, they had a major influence on the Beatles.

Classic women sitting courtside....

"Ohhh heyyyy. ya I'm courtside at the Celtics Magic game paying no attention to the game itself....just texting. the whole time"

Man that really grinds me gears. You have these seats that average men would literally KILL for but here you and your girl friend are with those seats - balls deep in your blackberry. When will ticket sellers wake up and sell exclusively to men, and or, women with large tits?

Here's some other screen shots i grabbed the other week that barstool sports though weren't blog worthy....

Fuck bitches, get goint points

The internet: home to cute animals and porn

The Internet is the world's largest library.
It's just that all the books are on the floor.

~ John Allen Paulos

I remember (kinda) the first time I used the internet. More specifically the first time I used google. I went to the library to find a book on how to build a go-kart because to me building a go-kart was the one and only thing on my mind that summer. As I'm in the library I go over to the computer and go to yahoo to do a search - naturally I find jack shit. The indian/asian librarian comes over and punches in GOOGLE instead of yahoo and just a god damn waterfall of information rains down on me. From then on its been nothing but google and excess amounts of information. With the internet also comes porn and cute animals. I'll take the higher road on this and post tons of cute things I've found. Good day.

This day in history - May 19

Napoleon Bonaparte founds the Légion d'Honneur.

Question Napoleon: do the birds have large Légion d'Honneur's?

Where's my money mang?

People these days, they want their pay in full huh

boston - Governor Deval Patrick’s administration, taking a hard line on the proposed tribal casino in Fall River, said yesterday it will demand repayment of nearly $35 million in taxpayer funds for a highway ramp off Route 24 if the city builds a gaming complex there instead of a long-planned biotechnology park.

The ultimatum reveals the administration’s dissatisfaction with Fall River officials, who over the past several years persuaded the state to invest more than $50 million in road improvements and other upgrades for a planned “BioPark’’ — only to see those city officials on Monday instead endorse construction of a casino on the site. Patrick’s top economic aide, Gregory Bialecki, said his office was not briefed on the casino proposal before the Mashpee Wampanoag tribe unveiled it.

“If it turns out this parcel is going to be developed as a casino, we expect to be repaid for any public dollars spent on the infrastructure,’’ Bialecki said. He said the admin istration was not angered by the casino proposal, but that it believes developers should pay for upgrades to support construction of gaming facilities, not the public. Construction of the ramp is underway.
My advice: pay for the on-ramp before people start getting whacked. I've seen it happen.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Deez Expands

Finally a web page that has all the room in the world for my fat ass....blogz. We've expanded the margins on the site so you don't have too!

Pictures bigger than you've ever seen 'em and youtube embeded videos without the poor cropping. Anyway, we've come a long way from that first post - 301 posts later we're still cashin checks and snapping necks.

Hey, you gonna have the rest of those? Cuz if your not I will.

Ouch. Face

Great Day!

Does anyone know why Andy Samberg is having such a great day?! Anyone? Anyone. Anyone, questions, question? Anyone....

Bruins, you wanna hurt me

 That Kid gets sad that the Bruins suck

You wanna hurt me? Go right ahead if it makes you feel any better. I'm an easy target. Yeah, you're right, I watch too much. I also listen too much. I could be a cold-hearted bruins fan like you... but I don't like to hurt people's feelings. Well, you think what you want about me; I'm not changing. I like... I like my team. My friends like my team. My customers like my team. 'Cause we’re the real article. What you see is what you get.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Is it a movie, game, or....something else

Animation after effects from alex brian on Vimeo.

Seriously they need to use english next time so i know if this is a game or a movie.

Save the date

The space shuttle Atlantis and the six astronauts on board, departed today from Cape Canaveral on a 12-day mission for this ship will be the last trip to the International Space Station. The shuttle, carrying equipment and supplies for the ISS, took off from the runway at 4:20 GMT, with excellent weather Conditions for launch. After splitting and discard the fuel tanks, the empezar spacecraft orbiting around the Earth. Ship is expected to arrive at the ISS on Sunday.


This is it. The final countdown (pun intended) of the shuttle. It has given us many great years but we gotta go above and way beyond now. Thanks shuttle - I'll save the date for your last launch (Nov. 22) for mission Glory - whose coming with me! If not, we got the future - especially August ** for mission NuSTAR

2010 Launches
Date: Sept. 16 +
Mission: STS-133
Launch Vehicle: Space Shuttle Discovery
Launch Site: Kennedy Space Center - Launch Pad 39A
Launch Time: 11:57 a.m. EDT
Description: Space shuttle Discovery will deliver the Express Logistics Carrier 4 (ELC4), a Multi-Purpose Logistics Module (MLPM) and critical spare components to the International Space Station.

Date: Mid-Nov. *
Mission: STS-134
Launch Vehicle: Space Shuttle Endeavour
Launch Site: Kennedy Space Center - Launch Pad 39A
Launch Time: To Be Determined
Description: Space shuttle Endeavour will deliver an EXPRESS Logistics Carrier-3 (ELC-3) and an Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) to the International Space Station.

Date: Nov. 22
Mission: Glory
Launch Vehicle: Orbital Sciences Taurus Rocket
Launch Site: Vandenberg Air Force Base - Launch Pad SLC 576-E
Description: The Glory Mission will help increase our understanding of the Earth's energy balance by collecting data on the properties of aerosols and black carbon in the Earth's atmosphere and how the Sun's irradiance affects the Earth's climate.

2011 Launches
Date: **
Mission: Aquarius
Launch Vehicle: United Launch Alliance Delta II 7320
Launch Site: Vandenberg Air Force Base - SLC 2
Description: The Aquarius mission will provide the first-ever global maps of salt concentrations in the ocean surface needed to understand heat transport and storage in the ocean.

Date: Aug. 5
Mission: Juno
Launch Vehicle: United Launch Alliance Atlas V
Launch Site: Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Fla.
Description: The solar-powered Juno spacecraft is to orbit Jupiter's poles 33 times to find out more about the gas giant's origins, structure, atmosphere and magnetosphere.

Date: Aug. **
Mission: NuSTAR
Launch Vehicle: Orbital Pegasus
Launch Site: Kwajalein
Description: NuSTAR will search for black holes, map supernova explosions, and study the most extreme active galaxies.

Date: Sept. 23
Mission: NPP
Launch Vehicle: ULA Delta II
Launch Site: Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif.
Description: The National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System Preparatory Project (NPP) mission for NASA and NOAA is to measure Earth's atmospheric and sea surface temperatures, humidity sounding, land and ocean biological activity and cloud and aerosol properties.

Date: Sept. 8
Mission: GRAIL
Launch Vehicle: ULA Delta II Heavy
Launch Site: Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Fla.
Description: The Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory mission's primary science objectives will be to determine the structure of the lunar interior from crust to core and to advance understanding of the thermal evolution of the moon.

Date: October 14 *
Mission: Mars Science Laboratory
Launch Vehicle: United Launch Alliance Atlas V
Launch Site: Cape Canaveral Air Force Station
Description: The Mars Science Laboratory is a rover that will assess whether Mars ever was, or is still today, an environment able to support microbial life and to determine the planet's habitability.

Shake spear

J. Black (not contee) wants to know exactly how much longer will the BP leak go and then once this is fixed, what is going to keep British Petroleum from raising gas prices and putting the burden on Americans?????? We as Americans must stand against it before it takes place!

Yesterday at 1:12pm via Facebook for BlackBerry
Maybe JB reads Deez. It would make sense to assume that because I said the same fackin thing two weeks ago. Forget what the experts are saying - Black's got the future on lock. Spoken like a true American.

Deez Blogz of late

Even the best need rest.

Like Frank here....even tho he sucked.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

This day in history - May 11th

1792 – Captain Robert Gray becomes the first documented white person to sail into the Columbia River.

Well its about damn time white people stepped up to the plate.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Why can't we be friends

You know how i know your gay pt II

You know how I know your gay? You agree with this kid.

Watch out now


This day in history - May 10th

2001 – In Ghana, a stampede at a football game kills over 120 spectators

A stampede? At a football game? It's going to take some time for me to wrap my head around this one. 

Throw some t's on that bitch

As some of you may have already noticed, the world and Europe are fucking up. The Europeans stock market really fucked up the other day but luckily for them the world was there to bail their asses out again (WWII, your welcome)

yahoo - Stocks rocketed higher Monday after European leaders agreed to a nearly $1 trillion rescue plan to avoid a major debt crisis and the U.S. Federal Reserve said it would also provide loans overseas.
The Dow Jones industrial average rose about 400 points. The Dow and broader stock indexes rose more than 3 percent. Markets also barreled higher in Europe.
Interest rates rose in the bond market after demand for Treasurys fell.
The 16 countries that use the euro and the International Monetary Fund have agreed to create a nearly $1 trillion rescue fund to support European nations burdened by heavy debt. Markets around the world plummeted last week as fears escalated that Greece's debt problems would spread throughout Europe and upend a global economic recovery.

Problem: solved. 


who likes remixes?

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Lame sim city

On one of my last day of classes i arrived late as shit. I was about to fling open the door and tell bitches what was up but for some reason I reserved myself and opened the door slowly. Inside was this asian lady talking about "Chinatown" which at the time i though was just the neighborhood down the street from the Ansin building. But as i went online today and saw this video on the front page i saw that it was infact something else.

This "game" if it really is one, seems like a much watered down version of the awesome Sim City game. I can play sim city for hours on end - i see myself playing "Chinatown" for less than that. I will give them this tho, the chinatown game has the potential to answer some of societies deepest-seeded question with the click of a mouse. It also has the potential to bore the shit outta me. Granted i havn't played Chinatown but i highly doubt that have a soundtrack as epic as Sim City.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Local natives kill it on the show after letterman

Oh right, the Craig Ferguson show. The dudes funny but if I'm gonna watch humor at 12:35am, well than, its just still too soon.

Oh right, speaking of Local Natives - they did the soundtrack for this awesome video below.

Pulling out since 1960

boston -A world without “the pill’’ is unimaginable to many young women who now use it to treat acne, skip periods, improve mood, and, of course, prevent pregnancy. They might be surprised to learn that US officials announcing approval of the world’s first oral contraceptive were uncomfortable.

“Our own ideas of morality had nothing to do with the case,’’ said John Harvey of the Food and Drug Administration in 1960. The pill was safe, in other words. Don’t blame us if you think it’s wicked.

The other day when we were stoopin' it we saw a young couple with two kids (when i say young i mean they could not have been older than 24). As the young lady walked by pushing her youngest son on a bike the father was right behind pushing his younger daughter on the same kind of bike. As he passed us and saw all of us grilling burgers, downing beers, and talking about pussy i knew right then and there he wished he had pulled out. It's hard enough taking care of ourselves sometimes - let alone a kid. Here's to keeping it in your pants till you got a plan - and if not, heres to the pill!

Adventures of Rando, Space Thug for Hire In “Men are from Mars, Dropkicks are from Jupiter”

In the year 2189 AD, man has traversed the vast final frontier of space and extended their reach to the stars.  Now in contact with vast forms of life, Earthlings have set-up an impressive number of colonies in the various systems throughout the universe.  Throughout these colonies though, a seedy underbelly has appeared.  With the broadening of human horizons, so too the world of organized crime and drug trade has spread throughout the universe.  In this new world there is one man who walks the line between citizen of space and gun for hire.  These are the…

Adventures of Rando, Space Thug for Hire
“Men are from Mars, Dropkicks are from Jupiter”

In the vacuum of space not a sound can be heard, except for Young MC’s “Bust-a-move” blaring at obnoxious levels from our heroes Space Cadillac TM.  We zoom in to see our hero, who could only be described as a being ripped out of a blaxploitation film from the seventies (1970’s, the 2070’s were less shiny) and thrown into a cocktail shaker with Space and awesome.  As he casually drives through the back alleys of space picking up his Space ‘Fro, a call comes in on his Space Phone TM (ironically his ringtone is also Young MC’s “Bust-a-Move”).

 “Who the fuck is calling me when I’m trying to get my Young MC on! (picks up phone) Hello!”
 “Is this Rando, Space Thug for Hire? (Hey! Check it out! That’s the name of the series!)
 “Obviously dude, duuuuuuuur, what’re you Space-tarded.”
 “Uh….anyway yeah I heard you can provide special services, for the right price of course.”
 “Woah dude I’m not gonna suck your dick!”
 “What, no, that’s not, that’s not what I meant!”
 “It’s not my fault you come across as a flaming homoterrestrial.”
 “JUST LISTEN! There is a shipment of Space-Meth being moved to a space warehouse in the Sentia   Quadrant on jupiter.  The space-street value of the package is easily 1,000,000,000 space credits.  The warehouse is run by the Jupiter Space Mob Crime Family, and will be heavily guarded, so it will be very dangerous.  For the retrieval and delivery of this package you will be paid 20% of that projected space-street.  The package cannot be compromised in any way, Space-Meth is a very unstable product and if the package is harmed in any way the entire shipment can become contaminated.”
“For someone who’s not a homoterrestrial you sure say package a lot.”
“Shit yeah.” (Rando is never one to turn down easy space credits, especially with the promise of graphic violence). “Send the info to my space-com and you best watch that tone with me or ill hit you so hard you’ll turn heteroterrestrial.”

Zooming through space Rando bumps the MC of the Young variety until he closes in on Jupiter.  Locating the warehouse he lowers the volume on his bumpin’ system as to not give away his arrival, he’s just stealth like that.  Using his ninja-esque skills he sneaks around the back of the warehouse and finds a ladder on the adjacent building.  Climbing up the ladder reveals the building’s roof provides a view into the warehouse through its glass roof.

“Damn, he wasn’t kidding when he said heavily guarded.”

From what he can see there’s about 5 thugs loading the boxes of Space-Meth onto a Space truck, and an additional 10 armed guards with assorted heavy laser artillery.

“No sense in pussy-footin’ around.”

(Inside the warehouse)
“Hey carl, you see that knicks game last nigh-(Glass shattering) HOLY SHIT!”

As Rando crashes through the ceiling window the sound of shattering glass is nearly drowned out by Young MC’s “Bust-A-Move” coming from a boom box that was apparently strapped to Rando’s back the whole time; he brandishes his two chrome laser pistols.  Is what might be the finest example of a dropkick in history, Rando hits one of the goons loading boxes square in the chest, following the body to the ground and standing on top of him he fires his guns directly into his face just to put a little “fuck you” to the dudes insanely awesome death.
The completely baffled goons start shooting wildly in Rando’s direction, but with Rando’s panther-like reflexes and the goon’s shock of how awesomely Carl just got murdered, he easily evades their attacks, kneeing some other dude right in the junk.  Doing a Michael Jackson spin Rando fires in all direction hitting three of the guards in a move that would wipe the Chinese off of John Woo’s face.  

Rando somehow managed to say as he wound up to not so ironically punch a hole straight through the guards head.
“CAN SOMEONE HIT THIS GUY BEFORE HE PUNCHES THROUGH ALL OF OU-*OOF*!  (Hard to finish your sentences while you’re getting a knee to the sternum).
With only two guards left with heads not completely punched through and/or shot they dive behind a box of the Space Meth.
“Jesus Christ just take it!  I like my face too much for this shit!”
“Much obliged honky,” in one swift kick Rando kicks the rest of the boxes onto the truck. He closes it up and hops in the driver’s seat pulling out of the warehouse, “There is one more thing though…”
“Oh fuck…”  Without the sound of all the face-punching going on the two guards left could hear the make shift bomb Rando somehow inexplicably built and programmed to go off the exact time he estimated he would be leaving the Warehouse.  As he blasts off from Jupiter an explosion can be seen on the surface which must’ve been huge if you could see it from space.

“Alright dude the truck’s outside, where’s my money at?”
“What the fuck did you do?! I didn’t say to blow up the warehouse!”
“You didn’t say not to.”
“But why did you do that, now they won’t be bringing any more shipments there and I’ll have to find out where the new location is.”
“Yea dude that sucks, sooo where’s my money?”
“Here, next time someone hires you though you might want to tell them there’s a chance you’ll be blowing shit up.”
“Word, oh and one more thing-ROUNDHOUSE KICK! (he screamed as he did, which Rando’s are wont to do)”
“That’s for talking to me like I’m some punk ass bitch, Rando don’t play that shit!”


-That Kid

Sounds like a country song

usatoday- Kenny Chesney posted this photo on Twitter of himself knee-deep in Nashville flood waters. He tweeted: "Sending Anderson Cooper footage of my house under water." He spoke to him about his house. "I've never seen anything like this in my life!". Kenny's publicist told AP that the house is likely to be condemned.On Sunday Kenny tweeted: "TN is a mess with floods. If you're fortunate enough to help out, hit up the mid-TN Red Cross. Stay safe, everyone."

It's too bad the house is going to get condemned but talk about album material. Kenny will have an entire album called "Water got to my Guitar" and it will just be loaded with billboard toppers like "Knee Deep in Trouble", "H20 Oh, No" and other classics.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Don't tase me, bro

Anybody got photoshop? Cuz i'm really tired of doing these things on paint.

You will see this game in your sleep

As of last night the highest of high scores was:

Post your high scores in the comment box and lets own space.