Wednesday, March 31, 2010

So what if I live with the next Brad Pitt

Since about early December my roommate Chris has disappeared just about every weekend. He tells me and Dave that he's filming this movie and its no big deal. For the next five months he leaves - comes back - leaves - comes back each time telling us a little about what's going down on the set but how it's no big deal.

Well about a week ago Chris gets back and tells me that the movie he's doing just made a "sneak peak" of sorts that is going to be shown at a conference for independent movie makers. It's like a "whatcha' up to" type deals.

He chunks this DVD up and we watch it. Chris (kid dressed as Santa) never mentioned to us before that this was a legit fucking movie, that he's working with the one and only Busty Chestington (pictured below) !!!, and that he's the main character!

I guess being an actor these days doesn't mean shit. Chris will continue to down-play it - I'll continue to say I share a basement apartment with the next Brad Pitt.

"Do you know what it's like to have balls in your mouth. Ya. It opens your eyes - makes you think"

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