Saturday, March 13, 2010

"Not one thing about today makes sense to me." In the hundreds of thousands of games in MLB history, there have been only 247 in which the starting pitcher records every out without giving up a hit. Dock Ellis became one of the few to ever do it on June 20, 1970, though he barely remembers it. 

The day of the no-hitter, Dock Ellis woke up around noon on what he thought was Friday and ate three tabs of acid, presumably because he was tired of Wheaties. But when his girlfriend arrived she was carrying Saturday's newspaper, which meant he'd slept through Friday. He was scheduled to pitch in San Diego in six hours. Not only was the day that was beginning to swim around him the wrong one, the city his day was swimming in was Los Angeles.

Unfazed despite being on enough acid to melt Jimi Hendrix's guitar, Ellis hopped a flight to San Diego, and faced down a lineup that had woken up knowing what day it was, and also had the upper hand in the "not on acid" category. Not a single one got a hit.

Ellis remembers very little about the game, other than that sometimes the ball was huge in his hands and sometimes it was tiny, and that at one point he dove out of the way of a line drive, only to look up and see that the ball hadn't even reached the mound.

Who needs the roid's when you got powerful acid. I'd pay good American dollars to see Ellis in action and hopped up. It's too bad there's no Sportcenter highlights of a Dock Ellis outting. I'd also pay good American dollars to see Dock Ellis vs. Dan Deacon in a volleyball match.

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