Thursday, March 18, 2010

Contee fb status

"Lights camera action I'm feeling fantastic"
-about an hour ago via Mobile Web

"Sending all my haters love x and o's"
-2 hours ago via Mobile Web

"I swear this life is like the sweetest thing I ever known...."
-6 hours ago via Mobile Web

"Momma knows best yaa dig love her :) st pattys day u alreaddy know."
-14 hours ago via Mobile Web

"Todays gunna be a good day I feel it.........."
-15 hours ago

"Last early morning run before spring ball*"
-17 hours ago via Mobile Web

"I cant ignore your aura because it grab me by the hand like the moon pull the tide and the tide pull the sand"
-23 hours ago

"Chilllen vibinnnnn"
-Yesterday at 11:14pm via Mobile Web

"deff thinkin of going to the cityyy n getting wastedd tomrow!"
-Yesterday at 8:32pm

"re focused man!"
-Yesterday at 5:55pm

"Damn its nice out."
-Yesterday at 11:59am via Mobile Web

"cant wait for entourage,trueblood,hung!"
-Yesterday at 12:23am

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