This was obviously met with debate - because that just sounds dumb.
I didn't come up with the trivia - I just read it on the internets - not from Wiki so get off my dick about that. As some basic research will tell you the Earth's Circumference at the Equator is 24,901.55 miles (40,075.16 km) compare that with the 50,000 - 100,000 miles of veins in the human body.
Is this so hard to believe? Do the math. Veins mean business. Now, take the internets word on these trippy but true* facts. (*-may require individual research if it sounds just toooo dumb)
- Humans have 46 chromosomes, peas have 14 and crayfish have 200.
- Without its lining of mucus your stomach would digest itself.
- There are 60,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body.
- The low frequency call of the humpback whale is the loudest noise made by a living creature.
- More germs are transferred shaking hands than kissing.
- The fastest speed a falling raindrop can hit you is 18mph.
- At over 2000 kilometers long The Great Barrier Reef is the largest living structure on Earth.
- A dog's sense of smell is 1,000 times more sensitive than a humans.
- To escape the Earth's gravity a rocket need to travel at 7 miles a second.
- If every star in the Milky Way was a grain of salt they would fill an Olympic sized swimming pool.
- Our oldest radio broadcasts of the 1930s have already traveled past 100,000 stars.
- The silkworm moth has eleven brains.
- Bats always turn left when leaving a cave.
- A pregnant goldfish is called a twit.
- A raisin dropped in a glass of fresh champagne will bounce up and down continually from the bottom of the glass to the top.
- More people are killed by donkeys annually than are killed in plane crashes
- If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee.
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