Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The simple addition of stereotyping

In my 21 years of sleeping and breathing I've learned some shit.

I'm not sure how to sound not racist in this next part buttfuck i'ma say it anyway. In being white I can see variation in my other white people - no face looks the same, everyone has a body type that’s different. When it comes to others I find myself meshing different body types. To me Asian people look the same, black people blend, and whoever else - they just look the same. And Wow that was racist, but wait, that ain’t me

It’s from this mental incapacity that I believe stereotypes are generated. In order to make sense of this mysterious meshing we generalize the attributes we observe in different people – its not that I’m insensitive, it’s that I’m observant…..and ignorant.

The other night when my roommates and I went to Avatar in 3D at the aquarium; we waited for the blue line at Govt. Center. We stood by the tracks and near us were some older looking Hispanic gentlemen. A conversation between the 3 of us roomies involved some mathematical calculations. It was basic math, something like 3 weeks plus 2 weeks plus 6 weeks (11 weeks), but when you go to Emerson combined with being a communications major there's no such thing as "simple math".

One of the Hispanic men overheard our conversation and addition.

"11" he said

"11. Right. Thanks" Dave said as he put his phone calculator/calendar away. The conversation proceeded between Chris and Dave when I heard very faintly from the Hispanics...

"They're just like blacks"

I laughed. For the first time in a long time I was made fun of and stereotyped for being white. It wasn't a new feeling, but a different one.

Apparently that's a stereotype I was unaware of - white people suck at math. Siiick. we suck at math and can't jump. But I mean.....I’ll take it. One day in high school math (low level) a Chinese kid opened our door and asked if he was in the right place. Without hesitation Jim Leary, motioning for the kid to leave, said:

"Ohhhh nooo. Clearly you have the wrong class"

A Chinese kid in a math class filled with white kids and a mentally handicapped inner-city girl. We helped the kid in telling him to get the fuck out. Sitting in on this math class would be a step back for anyone. The Asian kid should have been flattered that we assumed he dangles at math - not mad we stereotyped his ass.

So from this point on let's do away with the bad stereotypes and stick with just the good ones. It’s economic and strategic and helps you with math.

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