Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Battle of... local bands


I guess the word local would need to be defined here. Jaxon Boom hails from allston rock city while Y LUV is from my home base town of Lex Vegas (Lexington) buttfuck it, I think they're both good.

Video wise Y LUV rocks socks, Jaxon - I heard them live and by that i mean i was at a house party the other weekend and they played in the basement. One song in particular was dope and I was singing it all day the next day. Figures I go to youtube, type in the song cuz it was that awesome and all i get is some weird video.

The band pulled a clean 180 on me.

The night before they were screaming, fired up, jumping across the stage, swearing, crushing beers, banging bitches, sweating, turning red in the face, making my drunk ass yell right along with them - then in the video they are shirtless, cowed- out, and wigged out.


Just bypass the awkward two minutes and six seconds. (start 2:06) and jam from there - like i saw.

           battle on    

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