Friday, April 16, 2010

You gotta fight, dun dun, for your right, dun dun, tooo FREEEE-DOMMM

That Kid Fucks With People

Quick Back-story: Friend of the site let’s call him Izzy (no maybe that’s too obvious) we’ll call him, Izzy, has been hounding me about coming up to Lexington to see some Revolutionary Road War reenactment or some junk this upcoming Monday. Unfortunately, I am without a car, a job, my pets heads are falling off, and am in school in Newyorkaschusetts so the whole Monday date just puts the icing on the cake of there’s no way I’m coming.

So to make him stop hounding me, I did what every person would in this situation, fuck with them until they shut up, enjoy!

How does one get in to being a civil war reen-actor?

6:54pm - Izzy

6:55pm - Dan
So apparently I’m not the only one of us who was wondering

6:55pm - Izzy
No I just looked that up like a week ago

6:56pm - Dan
Can I just show up as Robert E Lee?

6:56pm - Izzy
It’s not the civil war you idiot
This is the revolutionary war

6:57pm - Dan

Never mind

6:57pm - Dan
You can call it whatever you want, it’s still the same war
I don’t care how revolutionary it was

6:57pm - Izzy
It’s not the same war

6:58pm - Dan
I’m sure it was a different war for a lot of people, obviously not everyone’s going to agree with why the war was being fought

6:58pm - Izzy
You’re just affirming my theory on CT people

6:59pm - Dan
Which side was the rebel alliance?

6:59pm - Izzy
I can't talk to you

7:01pm - Dan

- That Kid

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