Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Now walk it out

As the weather continues to get nicer and nicer you’ll find yourself being outside more. With this comes a tradition only a few have mastered: walking down the street like a bad ass.

People especially in the city are always in a mad dash - needing to be in three different places and needing to be there two minutes ago. Most of these people sprint out into the middle of the street into traffic in a last ditch effort to hail a cab or make it to class within that reasonable grace period.

Buttfuck all that. Getting somewhere isn’t about how much time is spent traveling but rather how good you look getting there. Brisk walkers, fast walkers, wind talkers, cock blockers - whoever you are remember to walk with style and grace.

And if you have a friend name Grace remember to walk with style and grace and Grace.

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